Our Mission
Our mission here at His Call International is preaching the Gospel and planting churches in every tongue, tribe, and nation. The byproduct of that is rescuing children from sex trafficking. We are currently working in Nicaragua and in India.
““You have never truly found Jesus if you do not tell others about Him.” ”
How did His Call International start?
Approximately 3 years ago the Lord really started moving on Director Jason White's heart to start a missions organization that is completely centered on preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ, planting and establishing Biblical Churches, and the byproduct of that is rescuing kids from sex trafficking.
It all started when Jason was working one day and listening to a sermon, and the Lord broke his heart to start this mission organization. He started praying about it, and God kept confirming it. Jason and his wife Nickel began to pray and seek the Lord about His Call International, they both had peace about it and stepped out in faith believing that God's hand is on this. Launching out in faith with no money or any idea on how to start a missions organization, the Lord continued to show his hand being on His Call International.
Jason was seeking the Lord in worship and prayer, the Lord prompted him to start praying for different countries. Right when he started praying for Nicaragua, the Lord gave him a vision. Jason was in Nicaragua preaching the Gospel at dusk time and was wearing a blue shirt, the Lord spoke to him and said, "You are going to Nicaragua to plant a church.".
In India, Jason had a brother in the Lord Mark Cahill come to church share about evangelism. Jason began to tell him about His Call International, Mark Cahill said, "You need to meet a brother in the Lord Dave Farmer.". Dave Farmer has a missions organization Crisis Rescue International that we partner with in India. God is doing amazing things in India, we have been able to rescue hundreds of kids from sex trafficking, preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to thousands of people, and plant Biblical churches all over India. These kids that we rescue are being completely restored and are madly in love with God. We didn't get them tranquilized on drugs to help them think right, the magnificent power of God has transformed these kids. They are also being raised up and going into missions.
You can read more about Nicaragua and India in the link below.