Our Mission

We at His Call International are a gospel centered ministry focused on rescuing people from the path of destruction through the preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ, planting and establishing biblical churches, and raising up bold men, women, and children of God.

“You have never truly found Jesus if you do not tell others about Him.”
— Charles H. Spurgeon

Written by Director Jason White:

In 2013, the Lord started moving on my heart to start a mission's ministry that is completely centered on preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ, planting and establishing biblical churches and raising up bold men, women, and children of God who will be evangelistic. Though our main emphasis is preaching the gospel and planting churches, we endeavor to be available to God for whatever purposes He may have for us.


It started while I was working one day, I was listening to a message and praying, and I felt the Lord impress upon my heart to start a cross cultural evangelistic ministry. I knew that God had called me to preach the gospel both locally and abroad. I continued to pray about it and the Lord kept confirming it. I came home and spoke to my wife, we prayed and both had peace in our hearts. We launched out in faith with absolutely nothing! We started going to different places locally to do outreaches and the Lord started providing the finances we needed. 


One day the Lord prompted me to start praying for different countries. As I got to Nicaragua, the presence of God fell upon me and He gave me a vision. I was preaching in Nicaragua at dusk. Then the Lord spoke to me loud and clear, “You are going to Nicaragua to plant a church.” Not long after a door open for me to lead a scout mission to Nicaragua through my Sending Church, The Tabernacle of Tampa Bay. God confirmed That it was His plan for us to be there on the very first trip. During the past couple years, we have been to Nicaragua many times working in more five diffrent cities including Rivas, San Juan del Sur, Masaya. and several impoverished remote villages. We have done many outreaches to stregnthen and support existing churches, door to door evangelism, blessing families with groceries, but more importantly sharing the gospel. 


We have had the privilege of seeing many come to Christ, some getting baptized, and have had the honor of giving away approximately 3000 bibles. The Lord has given us an amazing opportunity to encourage a couple of different churches, through this we have been able to meet some godly brothers and sisters in Christ.


The Lord has allowed us to lay a foundation of a church plant in San Juan del Sur, where a church is desperately needed, while still reaching out to other remote areas.